love nature and live how you like

365 days of gardening obsession

20 March 2007

Well it was lovely weather last week, for March. Definitely warm in the sun if you could escape the wind. Beyond the plot there was change all around. The grass in the meadows thickening up with celandine and other weeds. Curlews and pheasants breaking the late winter silence.
This week: the check. Seedlings standing around looking bored. With the greenhouse full to the gunnels - especially at night when it's full of plants sheltering from the frost - and the soil cold as a grave, there's nothing for it but to sit back and wait. Tomorrow I'll mend my strimmer, maybe. And water some ungrateful looking sowings. I could prune the soft fruit too... But all I really want to do is smell the spring air, plant potatoes and sow things.


Unknown said...

Life, the universe and and and BUNCHING ONIONS!!!!!! OOoooooo if you lived closer.... they'd be a smacked botty!!!! It's chocolate!!!!
Yours sincerely Miss Kevin whiplash Bigarse ;-P

teatree said...

goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been known to pootle of to York and Suffolk .........

terrace max said...

I've been to Buckingham Palace.

(But I didn't go down with Alice).

Reedos said...

Well Max what can I say - I'm deeply honoured, linked by a bloke who knows about bunching onions woohoo !!!

And why - did you not like Alice??

terrace max said...

I've got a yugoslavian parsnip too.

wren said...

er why?

terrace max said...

Principally to maximise phytonutrient potentiality in my herbivorous diet. Oh, and the piccie on the packet looked reet good.