love nature and live how you like

365 days of gardening obsession

11 March 2007

Late as usual: March's list of sundry sowings. Just a few this month:

Achillea Ptarmica
Black Eyed Susan Beauty Spots
Cynoglossum Amabile Mystery Rose
Larkspur Giant Imperial
Linum Grandiflorum Rubrum
Morning Glory Split Personality
Morning Glory Star of Yalta
Nasturtium Milkmaid
Nemophila Maculata Five Spot
Nierenbergia Mont Blanc
Phlox Peppermint Candy
Poached Egg plant Meringue
Poached Egg plant Sunny Side Up
Poppy Californian Single Mix
Stock Night Scented
Sunflower Russian Mammoth
Virginian Stock Mix

Basil Basket of
Basil Fine Nano Compatto a Palla
Basil Lemon
Basil Lettuce Leaved
Basil Lime
Basil Siam Queen
Basil Violetto Aromatico
Salad Chamomile
Evening Primrose
Joe Pye Weed
Lady's Mantle
Lemon Balm
Marjoram Sweet
Oregano Greek
Sage English
Sweet Cicely

Asparagus Lettuce Cracoviensis
Purslane Golden
Purslane Green
Rocket Turkish
Rocket Wild

Artichoke Green Provence
Cardoon Bianco Avorio
Cardoon Gobbo di Nizzi
Chicory Barba di Cappucino
Chicory Catalogna Puntarelle Brindisina
Chicory Catalogna Puntarelle di Galatina
Chicory Grumolo Nero
Chicory Grumolo Rossa
Chicory Intybus
Chicory Selvatica da Campo
Chicory Spadona
Chicory Taglio Bionda a Fofglie Larghe
Chicory Zuccherina di Trieste
Dandelion Dente di Leone
Endive Ascolana
Endive Bionda a Foglia di Lattuga
Endive Grobo
Endive Jeti
Lettuce Amorina
Lettuce Chartwell
Lettuce Corsair
Lettuce Red Wave
Lettuce Tonale Ice Queen
Lettuce Salad Bowl
Lettuce Sucrine

Patience Dock
Rhubarb Glaskins Perpetual
Sorrel Blood Veined
Sorrel Buckler Leaved

Asparagus Pea
Broad Bean Hangdown Green
Broad Bean Medes
Climbing Bean Dolichos Lab Lab
Dwarf French Bean Aiguillon
Dwarf French Bean Canadian Wonder
Dwarf French Bean Cannelino
Dwarf French Bean Hildora
Dwarf French Bean Tendergreen
Dwarf French Bean Triomphe de Farcy
Pea Avola
Pea Balmoral
Pea Cavalier
Pea Early Onward
Pea Endeavour
Pea Ezethas Krombek Blau
Pea Hurst Greenshaft
Pea Jaguar
Pea Onward

Aubergine Prosperosa
Chilli Pepper Caribbean Blend
Chilli Pepper Pinochio's Nose
Chilli Pepper Prairie Fire
Chilli Pepper Red Cherry
Pepper Antohi Romanian
Pepper Choco F1
Pepper Eves Apple
Pepper Gourmet
Pepper Sweet Banana
Pepper Sweet Orange Baby
Pepper Unicorn F1
Tomato Black Krim
Tomato Buissonante
Tomato Costoluto Fiorentino
Tomato Maskotka
Tomato Rose de Berne
Tomato San Marzano Nano
Tomato Sweet Olive F1
Tomato Tondino Maremmano
Tomato Yellow Pygmy

Beetroot Forono
Chard Lucullus
Chard Verde da Taglio
Good King Henry
Orache Red
Spinach Matador
Spinach Scenic

Lambs Lettuce d'Olando Seme Grosso 'Ortolani'
Lambs Lettuce Louviers

Brocolli di Albenga Precoce
Brocolli Early Purple Sprouting
Brocolli Sprouting Early Purple Red Arrow
Brocolli Summer Purple Sprouting (Wok Brok)
Brocolli Tenderstem Green Inspiration F1
Cabbage Bacalan de Rennes
Cabbage Caramba F1
Cabbage Frostie F1
Cabbage Hispi
Cabbage Primero F1
Cabbage Tundra F1
Calabrese Decathlon F1
Calabrese Veronica F1
Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok
Chinese Cabbage (small) Fong San Improved
Chinese Cabbage (small) Green Seoul
Choy Sum Hon Tsai Tai
Cima di Rapa Greleiro Temporao
Cima di Rapa Namenia
Cima di Rapa Sessantina
Kale Flanders Purple
Kale Ripbor
Kohl Rabi Purple Danube F1
Mustard Bau-Sin
Mustard Big Stem
Mustard Golden Streaks
Mustard Peacock Tail
Mustard San-Ho Giant
Mustard Tai Ping Po
Mustard Zlata
Pak Choi Canton White
Radish Big Ben
Radish Scarlet Globe
Radish Zlata
Texel Greens
Turnip Market Express
Turnip Golden Ball
Turnip Ivory
Turnip Manchester Market
Turnip Purple Top Milan
Turnip Tops
Vitamin Green

Bunching Onion Feast F1
Bunching Onion Ishikura
Chinese Chives New belt
Chives Polycross
Leek Blauwgroene Herfst Ardea
Leek Blue Solaise
Leek Bluegreen Winter Solaise
Leek Natan
Leek Oarsman F1
Leek St Victor
Leek Startrack
Leek Autumn Giant
Onion Brunswick
Onion de Setubal
Onion Hystar F1
Onion Puplette
Salad Onion North Holland Blood Red Redmate
Salad Onion White Spear
Salad Onion Winter White Bunching
Shallot Ambition F1
Shallot Prisma F1
Welsh Onion Red
Welsh Onion

Carrot Autumn King 2
Carrot Navarre F1
Carrot Sytan
Celeriac Alabaster
Chinese Celery White Stem
Coriander Cilantro
Coriander Confetti
Edible Carrot Leaf
Florence Fennel Mantovano
Florence Fennel Zefa Tardo
Hamburg Parsley
Parsley Italian Giant
Parsley Plain Leaved 2
Parsley Titan
Parsnip Countess F1

Gherkin Beth Alpha
Squash Rugosa Friulana
Courgette Bolognese
Courgette Cavili
Courgette Coucourzelle
Courgette Custard White
Courgette Striato di Napoli
Gherkin Diamant
Gourds Crown of Thorns
Melon Ananas

Melon Cantalupo di Charentais
Melon Charleston Gray
Melon Crimson Sweet
Melon Retato Degli Ortolani
Melon Tendral Valenciano
Pumpkin Fester F1
Pumpkin Lumpy F1
Squash Giraumon Galeuse d'Eysine
Squash Hubbard Blue Ballet
Squash Table Ace F1
Squash Table Gold


teatree said...

its not December yet is it, or am I being yet again slighlty dim lololo

terrace max said...

Hmmm yes, slight mix up with date format thingy. And my time setting was Hawaii-Aleutian time. Exotic, eh?

Wardy said...


Dwarf bean Californian Wonder??Where d'yer get the seed. I wanted some and would prefer dwarfies but only found the climbing variety.



terrace max said...


Confused now: my Canadian Wonder beans are from HDRA. They don't specify dwarf or climbing although they're in 'Beans - French' rather than 'Beans - Climbing'. It was the description that made me think they were dwarf:

"Bushy habit, vigorous and prolific with bright green flat pods."

I suppose you could have a bushy climber though...! Can you wait until next month and I'll let you know for sure?

Wardy said...

I reckon they'll be big uns Max. I can feel it in me watter! Don't know whether to get any now. Ho hum ...

terrace max said...

Errrmm Wardy - I checked the packet. I realise I should have done this sooner but the packet was upstairs and I was downstairs and.. anyway, the packet says DWARF!! Get yer watters checked and yer order in!!

Wardy said...

Wow! Brilliant!! Thanks - I'll get some ordered. Me own chilli beans wow. Did you get em from the Organic Gardening catalogue then???

terrace max said...

Yup. I surely did.

You can't just buy one packet of seeds. Maybe some Burgundy Red Okra for the greenhouse, or some more French Beans: Aiguillon are meant to be the bestest.

Wardy said...

Ta for that! Been and had a look already but like you say can't just order the one packet. Here I go again. Gulp

Wardy said...

Well gone and done it! Sent in yet another bloody seed order. Swore I wouldn't. Anyway I just had to cos wanted them beans, and that spinach, ooh and just had to have the okra you told me about. Then there were endives for winter and kales for hungry gaps. Oooooh eck .......

terrace max said...

Seeds are like kids - you just CAN'T have too many. Both offer
such reward for so little initial outlay. A little food, water and tlc is all they need. Apart from flashing trainers - the kids I mean...

Actually, they're not really that comparable are they? Except you can leave them out on a cold night to toughen them up a bit...

Anyway, well done Wardy. You make me feel slightly maniacal seed-wise. Got any Namenia yet?

Wardy said...

No I bloody well 'aven't! So shurrup!! LOL

Well apart from that miniscule order to Fothergills for something else I simply couldn't live without, then the shallots were just to cheap to refuse

Oh and Flo was just passing Franchi so stopped off just on the off-chance they'd have those swanky beetroot chioggias. Can't live without those can I!

terrace max said...

Got any Sessantia?

Anyway, got my latest seeds of Italy order: 4 new radicchios, a yugoslavian parsnip and errm... salsify.

Cheaper than a round of drinks.