love nature and live how you like

365 days of gardening obsession

12 March 2007

At last - the first tentative outdoor sowings of the year. (Well seed sowings, the shallots went in last month). Having knocked the appointed bed into shape, I sowed about 100 broad beans: Purple Seeded, Express and Hangdown Green. All new varieties for me so it's a bit of a gamble with my favourite crop of all. Just to hedge my bets I'll sow some Windsor types next month and some Suttons in late July. Who knows? I may even achieve that elusive succession...
Encouraged/ fooled by the recent mild weather I put some First Earlies in too. Ulster Chieftan to be precise. If you could judge the quality of the potato crop from the size of its seed then this should be a huge crop. Unfortunately, you can't. Just to defend myself from the inevitable, pessimistic comments of my beloved allotment neighbours, I hid this rash potato sowing under a layer of leaves and covered the lot in black polythene.
Yesterday the cloche came out and covered the kohl rabi and radish transplants. It seemed like a lot of faff for the sake of kohl rabi and radish. But with most of the kale gone to seed and the sprouts just a memory, any old brassica will do. I got my kiwi and fig plants in their places and thus finally completed the fruit planting for this year. No, hang on, I ordered some rhubarb crowns too...


wren said...

Aha!! All well and good, this sowing milarky... but!! Was the moon full? Were the cockles ebbing or flowing?? Were the cows laying or standing??? And I do hope you waited til all the llamas were pointing towards the East.....?????
PS we rang your lottie neighbours and told them bout the spud thing.... ;-)

terrace max said...

Llamas? Interestingly (or not)one of my neighbours is setting off for Nepal this very morn...

What were the cows meant to be laying? Golden eggs??

Now I know that bit about ringing my allotment neighbours is a fib: since they are so advanced in the use of dark magicke they have no need for telecommunications...

wren said...

there you go then!! I knew bout your neighbour and the Nepal thing, due to the blackmagickes used to tell the others about the spuds... obviously...
Golden eggs??? Have you been on the sprout juice this morning????

redimp said...

Are your shallots up Max - mine went in three weeks ago and diddly so far. The garlic that went in at the same time are very lively.

terrace max said...

Ditto with the shallots Ady. Just hope they're unobtrusively putting on plenty of root growth. They're replacing my maincrop onions this year so they need to do the business.