Another sunny morning to be grateful for not having a proper job.
I rehabilitated a bed which will house a neighbour's onions (long story) and hopefully my turnips subsequently. I should be thinking more about what's following what I'm planting now, but there's enough to consider.
Back in the greenhouse I sowed 3 types of lettuce: Sucrine, Chartwell and Salad Bowl; plus a couple of Endive: Ascalano and Grobo. I also sowed a new carrot (to me): Sytan - on the packet it claims to be everything you could ever want from a carrot. All I want from a carrot seed is, well - a carrot. I potted on a chervil plant and will now go and soak some parsley seeds before I forget...
good grief Max, thats alot of blogging, sorry i'm still giggling manically at Mr Imps blog :o)
Gawd, I am waaayyyyy behind!!! Stress!!! Morning Max, morning babe! Mwah!
Ey up you two. Ere we all again. I notice Max has posted up our various blog addresses. I reckon that's a big hint for us to clear off! LOL
Back to carrots. I harvested carrots and spring onions yesterday. Quite a good size anorl to say they grew over winter. Dead crunchy too. Smug mode well and truly engaged
Morning Teatree. Morning Wren.
Wardy - tell me how you do that overwintering carrot thing: when did you sow 'em?
I sowed them along with the rosso treviso, pak choi, Winter white Lisbon spring onions in my placcy Linkaborn raised bed, no cover at all, on 9th October. Eaten nearly all the carrots now but just a small row left and they're fine and really sweet. Had the last of the pak choi for tea. The slugs had moved in so thought best pull em all up and eat them. I've sown some more already
Just checked back (on me blog) and I sowed some pak choi in August as well October
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