love nature and live how you like

365 days of gardening obsession

26 February 2007

Up to 23 deg. in the greenhouse today. One Walnut tree planted. Two grape vines and three blueberries potted up. Dwarf French beans ('Speedy') sowed into 3' pots. Nine more assorted capsicums into the propagator.
If the slugs hadn't eaten half my peas already, I'd be delighted.


Wardy said...

Beans! You're an early bird. When are you moving them outside into their permanent positions?

terrace max said...

Early April? I read in the Kitchen Garden mag that you could get away with such an early sowing - for a May harvest - with a bit of 'protection' - we'll see...they're self fertile so the lack of pollinating insects in April won't matter.

I once planted out runner beans in April and got the biggest crop ever! I guess it all comes down to luck in the end. Worth a punt for the cost of a few beans?

I also read that you should sow red-flowered runner beans early and white-flowered ones late...One of those facts I'd really like my tired old brain to retain...

redimp said...

Good to see you are still alive and well max.

terrace max said...

Thanks mate. You too.

And sorry.

wren said...

Feb, such a tricky month, isn't it? Can be beautiful, Winter ending, nice to see a man capable of apologising too... you don't come acroos that often in my experience. Enjoy the garden

terrace max said...

Thank you Wren. You too.