love nature and live how you like

365 days of gardening obsession

04 February 2007

Freezing cold - at last. My little fan heater could barely keep the temperature in the greenhouse above freezing. Despite these inauspicious conditions sowing, and germination, continues. The first aubergine seedling has appeared in the propagator at last and thanks to the heated mat the beetroot, achillea and marigold seedlings are already through. I sowed some more aubergines yesterday and the perennial pepper Tepin. I could smell how hot the seeds were!

On the allotment things are on hold. My soil won't even let you look at it, let alone walk on it, when it's frosty. But at least the big compacted clods of upturned soil in the newly created potato beds will be broken down a bit. I got my seed potato order on Friday:

Arran Pilot
Ulster Chieftain
Edzell Blue
Arran Victory
Dunbar Standard
Vales Sovereign

I also have in my possession 1kg each of Bleu d'Auvergne, Red Laure and Moulin Rouge maincrop seed. The latter is a Pink Fir Apple and Desiree cross.

So egg boxes at the ready, it's chitting time. I will renew my search for the requisite cool but frost-free, bright, but no direct sun, location...


Wardy said...

Arran Pilot is delish! Those Ulster ones cooked down into the water so be gentle with em! I'm doing Moulin Rouge too. New un on me

Reedos said...

That's some list of seeds to sow mate - if you need an hand with the pricking out I'm sure Wards will help.LOL

terrace max said...

Wardy - I'll be pleased to get a decent First Early this year. I got one of those Early collections last year and they weren't much cop taste-wise, compared to previous years' harvests.

Reedos - you been hitting that Maratheftiko wine again??

teatree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
teatree said...

ooooooooo how did I delete that comment (blushing smilie) its all the rain thats gone to reedos' head

Reedos said...

No Max, just the Kio LOL

Wardy said...

Ey up Reedos. Fancy seeing you here.

Reedos said...

I get around Wards - I'd look at your blog too but can't find it LOL